Programme 2016 : un des colloques

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( Colloquium published )

Version française

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th (7:00 pm)
TO SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th (2:00 pm), 2016

DIRECTORS : Thierry GAUDIN, Dominique LACROIX, Marie-Christine MAUREL, Jean-Charles POMEROL


On one side, scientists do raise the question: What is the nature of life? On the other side, the question: What is information? looks as a relevant one. A living entity, even the simplest one, consist in a network of interactions, communications, writings mobilizing an enormous quantity of information. Has the word "memory" the same meaning in computer science, in biology and in ecology? Is it true, as anticipated by the philosopher Gilbert Simondon, that information is the agent that gives shape and maintains itself by structuring matter? Molecular biology has shown the main steps of gene expression. But one still does not know what is actually a gene: an information or a molecular structure? The nanostructures of DNA or RNA appear as 3D architectures that might be the "engines" of tomorrow nanomachines, bearing multiple functions in therapy, chemistry and algorithmics (or bioinformatics?). Finally, epigenetics move out the mechanical views regarding genes expression. At the cellular level, this stochastic expression leads to conceive the biological organization relying on a "cellular darwinian process".

Understanding the origins and evolution of life is one of the major challenges for the 21st century. How can we conceive biological evolution and the future of the biosphere and human species, in the new alliance between natural and artificial beings? This raises ethical questions. More generally, is technology a social fact or a biological expression? Is the combined transformation of technology and society by the information system a new step in evolution?


Saturday, September 17th

After Dinner:
Presentation of the Center, the Colloquium and the Participants

Sunday, September 18th
Thierry GAUDIN, Dominique LACROIX, Marie-Christine MAUREL & Jean-Charles POMEROL: Introduction
Pierre-Yves OUDEYER: How robotic models can help us understand the dynamics of infant development
Bernard DUJON: Decline and contingency, bases of biological evolution

Joël STERNHEIMER & Pedro FERRANDIZ: Protéodies, presentation of music from proteins

What information are we talking about?
Dialogue between Giuseppe LONGO (Digital information and the dualism "software / hardware" vs. organization and ''meaning'' in physics and biology) and András PÁLDI (Information and epigenetics)

After Dinner:
Nature red, presentation of photos by Dominique LACROIX

Monday, September 19th
Antonio LAZCANO: Emergence of life
Gérard BERRY: Towards an Algorithmic Approach of Life Sciences

Where is information?
Dialogue between Ana SOTO (Toward a theory of organism) and Guillaume LECOINTRE (Should we rescue the concept of genetic information?)

Contributions of the ethology
Dialogue between Jean-Claude BARREY (Life: a simple whirlwind embracing matter, energy and information, a reinterpretation of the Craig-Lorenz schème) and Thierry GAUDIN (Ethology and prospective)

Tuesday, September 20th
Alonso RICARDO: Encoding biological information in polymers; minimalistic models to understand the origins of life
Alessandra CARBONE: Conservation and co-evolution: from sequence to function
François FAGES: Cells as machines and biochemical programming

David PRANGISHVILI: Archaeal viruses: living fossils of the ancient virosphere?

Evolution and selection
Roundtable with
Hugues BERSINI: Artificial life and understanding of the living
Frédéric DUCONGÉ: Artificial darwinian evolution of nucleic acids
Marco SAITTA: From computational physics to the origins of life

After Dinner:
Jean FOURTAUX: The evolution in pictures

Wednesday, September 21th
Physic, Evolution, Information
Michel CASSÉ: Quantic Inflation and plurivers
Kavé SALAMATIAN: Computer and the Babel temptation

Guided tour: Mont Saint-Michel

After Dinner:
Projections of Movies

Thursday, September 22th
Giuseppe ZACCAI: Molecular forces and motion in the transmission of information in biology
Jean-Gabriel GANASCIA: Word and Life Reontologization

What is a species?
Dialogue between Bernadette BENSAUDE-VINCENT (Redesigning Life, a Serious and Credible Research Agenda?) and Philippe GRANDCOLAS (Species is a class concept, not a "natural kind"!)

Ada YONATH: A prebiotic bonding entity is functioning in all living cells [read by Giuseppe ZACCAI]

Organisms and organization
Roundtable with
Mathieu LIHOREAU: Animal groups as cognitive systems
Dominique GUILLO: How to account for interspecific sociocultural phenomena? An evolutionist and interactionist model
Maël MONTEVIL: Principles for a theory of organisms: Organization and variation

After Dinner:
The expeditions Tara, by Christian SARDET, with film extrats

Friday, September 23th
Mathematics, physics and biology
Cédric VILLANI: Probabilities, meaning and evolution
Heinz WISMANN: Where does the notion of function come from?

Vincent FLEURY: Localization of the morphodynamic information

Big Data and Biodiversity
Dialogue between Régine VIGNES-LEBBE (Natural language, formal language and description of the living) and Giuseppe LONGO (Big Data and Correlations)

Roundtable with
Jean-Michel BESNIER: Transhumanism and the future of négation
François PACHET: A computer musician?

After Dinner:
Vincent BONTEMS: Individuation and vital morphogenetic information

Saturday, September 24th
Philippe KOURILSKY: A game of survival, chance and complexity



With support from
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS),
Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (CEA),
Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA),
Électricité de France (EDF),
Délégation générale à la langue française et aux langues de France (DGLFLF),
Centre des monuments nationaux (Administration de l'Abbaye du Mont Saint-Michel),
Association Reso
and ISTE Éditions